ECHOES Project Partners Gather for Co-Creation Meeting in Belgium

Between October 28 to November 1, 2024, ECHOES project partners met in Belgium for a Co-Creation Meeting hosted by Coordination CRH. This face-to-face event brought together representatives from all partner organizations, fostering collaboration and laying the groundwork for the project’s next steps.

The meeting focused on production and development of key deliverables and refining strategies to engage youth in climate advocacy. Sessions included planning international exchanges, refining the youth engagement approach, and aligning digital platforms and campaign tools to support impactful climate action. Partners worked together to ensure these outputs empower young people to lead environmental advocacy and influence policy across Europe.

The group also explored new ways to strengthen youth-led campaigns, blending online and offline activities. Social media outreach, digital storytelling, and local climate events were highlighted as crucial to raising awareness and tackling misinformation. Partners committed to equipping young participants with the skills to lead as ambassadors for Climate Action, creating a strong network for sustainable advocacy.

This meeting emphasized the ECHOES project partners' shared commitment to empowering youth in the fight against climate change and was a significant step in bringing them together. The partners discussed key strategies for engaging young people in sustainability efforts and emphasized the importance of amplifying youth voices in environmental decision-making processes. As ECHOES continues to encourage youth-led climate initiatives throughout Europe, stay tuned for updates. 

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